On Tuesday 20 July our reliable home handyman, RayM came to apply the top coat of plaster. Well, we had done it again. In our efforts to create a smooth finish we were taking off too much plaster and so RayM had to apply extra plaster in the top coat to make up for it. Anyway, by the end of the day he had achieved an excellent smooth finish.
The following weekend, 24-25/7 Raymond and I did a few odd jobs around the shed as RayM was coming back to install the timber mouldings around the ceiling before starting to paint the shed. Raymond was to work from home but things don’t always go according to plan and sometimes they can even go devastatingly wrong.
Just after lunch Sunday, I climbed the step ladder to take a few measurements. On coming down again, I missed my footing and fell awkwardly. I was in major pain as I had broken my right wrist. Pauline came and took me to the Mater Private Emergency Clinic. We spent more than 6 hours there having the wrist reset twice, X-rays and CT Scans and then to be told I would need surgery as it was a very bad break. I was referred to an orthopaedic surgeon on Tuesday 27 July and admitted to a private hospital at Everton Park on Friday 30th. Surgery took over three hours. I was kept in overnight and arrived home again about 3.0pm Saturday afternoon. I have been told I will be “out of action” for up to six months. I have physiotherapy sessions starting on Monday and have been told I will not get full functionality in my wrist again.
On a brighter note RayM came out again on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday morning of that week to complete painting the shed. All that remains is to put on the skirting board and install carpet tiles. It certainly looks a treat. This has cheered me up somewhat despite the severe pain in my wrist. I will have to get Raymond to take some photos to put up with this post to my blog.
Friday 27 August - It has taken me a long time to get around to posting this update. My broken wrist has left me feeling rather helpless and depressed. I am grateful to the Director of The Workshops Rail Museum and other staff for their support and in assisting me to get back to work during this past week. I still can't drive and the Director and other staff go out of their way to pick me up and drop me home. It has been good therapy but today I am suffering some considerable pain in my hand so will go to the physio to see what is going on.
I must also thank Ca55ino and the Tuesday nighters for their support and also members of the worl-wide newsgroup Railroad Line Forum. The On30 people from the USA, UK and Europe are a great bunch.
RayM is coming back this coming Tuesday to install the skirting board around the room and, hopefully put down the carpet tiles which Raymond has bought. We went for the thicker, cushioned style which gives a nice soft feel under foot on the concrete floor.
To finish off today here are a couple of photos of the painted shed that Raymond took on the 9 August.
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